COVID-19 Update:
To our valued clients, we would like to inform you that our doors will remain open during this time and we will continue to provide your pets with the high level of care that you have come to expect from us.
Being a veterinary medical facility, we already have many measures in place to ensure that our hospital is clean and sanitized, especially in our patient areas, but even so, we will be stepping up our sanitation protocols.
We request your assistance in keeping our clients and staff healthy at this time so that we can continue to serve our community. If you have any symptoms (fever, coughing, difficulty breathing) please do not come into the clinic. If your appointment is non-essential (please call us if you need help determining this) we would be happy to reschedule you.
If your pet requires medical assistance or you need to purchase medication or food for your pet and you or one of your family members are exhibiting symptoms of a virus, or you are self isolating, please call the clinic to make arrangements to pay over the phone and have your food brought out to you, or your pet collected.
Alternatively, we do have an online web store that offers a delivery or pick up option for food and non-prescription items.
If your pet requires medical attention and you are unable to leave your home, please call the clinic and we will work with you to arrange to have them brought in.
PLEASE let us know if someone in your household is under quarantine so that our staff can take protective measures while working with your pet.
Once again, we are committed to working together with our community so that we can continue to ensure the health and safety of our patients, clients, and staff as well as their families.