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Sep 16 2013

New Blood Analyzers

GREAT NEWS. We have just had the new Idexx in house laboratory system installed in our clinic and we are really excited to be able to bring this service to our clients.

We have always had analyzers in house but we were very limited with what we were able to offer you in the way of testing. With the new equipment we can run a lot of the blood work we used to send out to the lab right in our own house! Your results will be back to you much quicker and the real bonus is if we need to discuss them with anyone at the lab they are connected to us over the internet and we can talk to a pathologist any time. You can feel comfortable that your pet is receiving the most up to date testing and analysis prior to their anesthesia or when they are ill.

Check out our Facebook page as we have posted a photo of the equipment and a link for you to check it all out. We look forward to being able to service your pet’s needs better.

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